Thursday, November 22, 2007


The apsect of Alfred Jarry I have found most interesting, and most challenging to understand, is his philosophy of 'pataphysics. The fundamental things to understand are that pataphysics describes a world additional to the 'traditional' world - crashing the barrier between reality and fantasy. It is the logic of the absurd, the science of imaginary solutions, yet it seems to make a lot of sense to me in terms of contemplating the world-although the language is often hard to decipher. A definition I have found to be very accurate when looking at Jarry's work:
'Pataphysics is a kind of "spiritual freedom, born of a detached contemplation of the kaleidoscopic spectacle of life (or of the essential 'theatricality' of existence) and of a detachment, ultimately, from one's own 'self'".
(from Alfred Jarry: A Critical and Biographical study, Keith Beaumont)
Much of Jarry's work is about freedom - from the world and from the self - the end of this process being death.
Even though his work is often challenging to understand, I like his ways of thinking, and the simplicity with which he makes such unique observations and conclusions.

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